Remember Follow me on my Instagram:@Johncito_mpr
From this moment I will begin to be more present on this page, to be able to develop myself better and to have a better connection with each of you. I am very eager to increase my process here in F4F.
Hello, I was passing by to thank you for your time and your good disposition in my transmissions, I am happy to have each of you in my room.
Hola chicos y chica, paso aca para saludarles y comentarles que ya pude iniciar el dia de hoy con la decoracion para que podamos celebrar el 4 de Julio juntos, Estoy muy emocionado y me gustaria que todos me acompanaran ese dia para que celebremos de la mejor manera, les envio un gran abrazo, Atte: John.
I am glad to return to this space after a time spent with other occupations, very happy to see you again and talk to you, thank you always for sharing with me
Today was an excellent day with a lot of learning. Every day I try to be the best mainly for myself and mine. I'm on my way and I'm not going to stop for anything.
Welcome to this space with me, I am 23 years old, I am Aries,I am a Venezuelan boy and I am currently living in Colombia.I love going out to eat, exercising and a good chat.I have a very morbid and mischievous mind.I love going out and seeing new places.This is a little bit about me, come into the room and let's have a connection so we can get to know each other better.
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